
Microneedling, also known as microchanneling or collagen induction therapy, creates a series of tiny punctures in the skin that stimulates the body’s wound healing process, resulting in the production of collagen and elastin. Used in conjunction with a pharmaceutical grade stem cell serum, it is effective in reducing the appearance of many types of scars including surgical, acne, self-harm, burns, and stretch marks.

  • Overall, you can expect minimal discomfort. Because it is a quick procedure, a numbing cream can be used to minimize or eliminate discomfort in more sensitive spots.

  • Getting in early produces the best results, sometimes as early as 6 weeks post-op! Because everyone’s procedures and healing can differ, if it has been less than 6 months, you must consult your surgeon.

  • Microneedling is generally performed in a series of 3-6 sessions, every 4-6 weeks. After 2-3 sessions, a thicker collagen filled matrix will produce more consistent and noticeable improvement. More than 6 treatments may be needed for deeper scarring.

    • Discontinue retinol (2% or higher), or tretinoin three days prior to treatment (if used in the treatment area).

    • Limit alcohol intake the night before and the day of your appointment.

    • Hydrate

    • Your skin will look and feel sunburned for a day or two.

    • You may see pinprick scabbing in areas for 2-3 days.

    • For deeper treatments, minor tightness, itchiness, and flaking in areas may occur by day 3, and generally resolves by day 5.

    • Do not apply any other products to your skin for a minimum of 90 min, and preferably not until the following day.

    • For the following two days, wash the area with a gentle, fragrance free cleanser.

    • Moisturize after washing, and when it feels dry (only enough to rub all the way in. You don’t want it to stay wet or greasy).

    • Avoid/minimize pet dander and other irritants for 24 hours to avoid potential allergies.

    • Avoid sweaty exercise.

    • Avoid direct sun exposure until the skin returns to normal, and use sunblock for the following couple weeks after.

    • Resume regular routine on day 4.

  • You must be 18 years of age or older.

    Microneedling is contraindicated if you have a history of:

    • Scleroderma

    • Collagen vascular disease

    • Hemorrhagic disorders

    • Wound healing deficiencies

    Microneedling should be postponed if you currently:

    • Have used Accutane in the past 6 months

    • Are pregnant or nursing

    • Have an active bacterial, fungal, or viral infection

    • Have active eczema, dermatitis, or psoriasis in the area to be treated

    • Have had Botox, fillers, or threading in the area to be treated in the past two weeks

    • Are taking an anticoagulant

    • Are taking anti-inflammatory medications or steroids

  • Microneedling treatments start at $250 per session.